HE Anamaria Carreira, Angolan Ambassador to the UK , presents her credentials to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II |
HE Sheikh Khalid Abdullah Sabah, Chief of Amiri Protocol and Chamberlain, State of Kuwait with US President Barack Obama |
HE Ruth Elizabeth Rouse, High-Commissioner for Grenada to the
Court of St James’s, presents credentials to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
HE Chris Grima (right), Malteese Ambassador to Austria, presents his credentials to Dr Heinz Fisher, President of Austria, at a ceremony at the Hofburg Palace, Vienna in June 2007. Ambassador Grima said: “I can truthfully say I have enjoyed the course. Being a practical diplomat, I was pleasantly surprised at how directly relevant much of the course work is to my duties. The Academy introduced me to the whole spectrum of diplomatic experience, and I could not have been provided with a better start to what I hope is a long career in the diplomatic service. I would recommend the course both for those in the service and for those wishing to know more about diplomatic practice and related disciplines.”
H.E.Sheikh Hilal bin Marhoon AL- Mamari , Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman to Spain presenting his credentials to His Majesty King Carlos
HE Dr. Zac Nsenga Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Defense, and former Ambassador of Rwanda to the US presenting copies of his credentials and that of recall of his predecessor to President George W.Bush
A group of senior officials from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) who attended an executive training programme in Diplomacy, Practice Procedures and Dynamics . Some have been appointed as ambassadors to various countries and others at senior positions within the UAE Ministry for Foreign Affairs. Pictured are (front row, right to left) HE Mohummed Al-Mazrouei, UAE Ambassador to Algeria; HE Essa Al-Gurg, UAE Ambassador to the UK and Doyen of the London Diplomatic Corps; Professor Nabil Ayad, DAL Director; and Dr Saeed Al Dhaheri, Adviser to the Minister of State, UAE Ministry for Foreign Affairs . In the back row are (left to right) HE Abdulla Al Suwaidi, UAE Ambassador to Tunisia; HE Saeed Al Muhairi; HE Abdulla Al Amri, UAE Ambassador to Jordan; HE Ali Al Nuaimi, Ambassador to Australia, Ministry for Foreign Affairs; HE Saeed Al Kitbi, UAE Ambassador to Morocco; Colonel Ahmed Al Shamsi, Aircraft Engineer; HE Rashid Al Dhaheri, UAE Ambassador to Nigeria.

HE Makram M Queisi (right), Jordanian Ambassador to Austria, presents his credentials to Dr Heinz Fisher, President of Austria at a ceremony at the Hofburg Palace, Vienna, in December 2007. Before taking up this position he served as Ambassador/Chief of Protocol at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Amman.
HE Iulian Buga , Ambassador of Romania to Ireland and former State Secretary, Romanian Ministry for Foreign Affairs
HE Dr. Bozo Cerar, State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and former Ambassador to Canada ; Ambassador and Permanent Representative at the Permanent Representation of the Republic of Slovenia to NATO
Ms Carla Jazzar, Deputy Head of Mission, Lebanese Embassy, Washington with US President, George W. Bush
“I am writing to you to express my gratitude for the two years of MA studies at the Diplomatic Academy of London. They were of the utmost importance and help in my career as a diplomat.
They’ve allowed me first to obtain a quick promotion since, directly afterwards, I was appointed as Deputy Permanent Delegate of Lebanon at United Nations Education Sciences and Culture Organisation known as UNESCO. That was actually my second posting abroad.
Secondly, these studies provided me with the real possibility of interacting in an international community since all students came from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds.
Finally it sensibilised me to new issues, such as technology and management which proved to be essential for any modern diplomat.
Programme in Diplomacy and Protocol for Saudi Officials -2003
(Centre) HE Prince Turki al-Faisal, Ambassador of the Royal Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Court of St Jamese’s; (to his right) Professor Nabil Ayad, Director of the Diplomatic Academy of London; (to his left) Ms Rosalie Rivett Visiting Lecturer, Diplomatic Academy of London; and a group of offcials from the Saudi Royal Protocol, National Guard and Ministry of Finance who attended a training Programme in Diplomacy and Protocol at the Diplomatic Academy of London, during a visit to the Saudi Embassy.
Training Programme in Diplomacy: Practice, Procedures and Dynamics for Kuwaiti Diplomats - July 2000 |
HE Vanessa Eugenia Interiano Tobar presents her credentials to Antonio Maria Costa, Deputy Director-General of the United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV) as Ambassador of El Salvador.. Before her current appointment Ambassador Interiano had been Minister Counsellor at the Permanent Mission of EI Salvador to the UN in New York.
 HE Alexander Piletsky, Ambassador of Belize to Austria, Netherlands, Croatia, Slovenia and Permanent Representative of Belize to UNIDO, presents his credentials to Haruko Hirose, Deputy to the Director-General of UNIDO, Vienna. Alexander said: “I am pleased to report that successfully completing my education and presenting my dissertation allowed me to be promoted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belize to full Ambassadorship... my participation in your programme allowed me to build up a network within the diplomatic community.”
HE Dr Damir Kusen, Croatian Ambassador to Finland and Estonia, presenting his credentials to HE Tarja Kaarina Halonen, President of Finland, in February 2007.
“I am always glad to recall memories of the enjoyable days spent at the Academy. Since 1995 I have held posts in Washington (DCM) and now in Helsinki (Ambassador). For several years I have also chaired the Board of the Institute for International Relations in Zagreb. At the Foreign Ministry I have worked for a few years as the Assistant Minister for Europe (DG). As a true believer in life-long learning I also obtained a PhD from King’s College London, proof that the Academy was an excellent learning environment and a great impetus to further my diplomatic career.”
H.E. Mrs. Venetia Sebudandi , Ambassador of Rwanda , presenting her Credentials to H.E. Mr. Moritz Leuenberger, the then President of Switzerland (in 2006).
HE Ibnu Sanyoto, Ambassador of Indonesia to Republic of Belaruss , Poland and former Director for General Affairs, ASEAN-Indonesian Department of Foreign Affairs.
“Yes, the Programme has had its benefits. Acquired lots more knowledge in relation to the Diplomatic world. Personally, I feel a better individual. Would like to encourage others interested to go for it. “ |
Dr Babu M Rahman - Head of Global Issues Research Group, Research Analysis, Foreign and Commonwealth Office. He works, amongst other things, on areas of policy within the United Nations and the Commonwealth, including human rights, conflict and peace management and the environment. He has represented the United Kingdom within the UN human rights system a number of times, and was a UK delegate to the UN World Conference Against Racism in Durban in 2001.
Mr Ghaleb Darabya, Executive Education Manager ,Dubai School of Government ,

Colonel Michael Montagu, Chief of Staff, British Defense Academy, former Military Attache, British Embassy In Rome
Ms. Tanya L. Cole, Commercial Officer, U.S. Commercial Service, Department of Commerce
and Commercial Attaché U.S. Embassy Bogotá,Columbia
Ms Linette Tye, News Presenter, BBC World
Alison Thorpe
Deputy Head of Mission, British Embassy, Sweden
Former Assis PS / Minister of State, Foreign & Commonweath Office, London