Management and Administrative Experience
Director, Diplomatic Academy of London
Strategic Initiatives
Developing and establishing the Diplomatic Studies Programmes in 1980.
Developing Strategic Plans in consultation with staff and various institutions / agencies which utilize the Diplomatic Academy - the most recent of which was completed in November 2009, covering the period to 2014.
Creating a new model for university education for professional diplomats and civil servants. The model integrates theoretical and practical concepts through enlisting course involvement and presentations by experts and practitioners in the field, such as practitioners in media management and international security.
- Pioneering diplomatic training programmes in the UK. Thus moving iplomacy from merely a minor branch of international relations to becoming a discipline in its own right. DAL is recognised as the leader in the field.
Designing programmes which include the role of the media and information technology, so that courses of study reflect the reality of the modern world.
Developing modules which deal with the management of diplomatic missions , intercultural communication , intelligence and Diplomacy in Islam.
Establishing University of Westminster centres in other countries, such as the University of Westminster Paris Centre and conceiving and negotiating the setting up of Westminster International University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Developing short courses for specific needs, mainly in collaboration with the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
Developing and organising a series of international symposia, in London and Paris, which have dealt with global issues such as ethics, gender, religion, refugees and minorities, security, information technology and good governance, including their impact on statecraft and training in an interdependent world.
Head, Department of Diplomacy and Applied Languages (DDAL)
Core Responsibilities
- As Head of the Department of Diplomacy and Applied Languages, responsible for thirty-two full-time members of staff and more than one hundred twenty part-time staff .
- Providing underpinning support for the student body at DDAL which comprises more than four hundred full-time students and fourteen hundred part-time students in an academic year, representing more than one hundred forty countries. Many of the students hold senior positions at London Diplomatic Missions and various government departments.
- Assuming financial accountability for the Department budget of more than £4 million. Devised budgeting to make courses more self-funding.
- Managing Course income, expenditure and staff salaries. Devising and managing costing for various activities including special executive programmes and symposia .
- Supervising the financial record keeping and liaising with the University’s central finance.
- Identifying sources of external funding.
- Selecting and providing support and orientation to staff
- Developing and organising executive training programmes and bespoke courses.
- Initiating staff appraisal, staff development and team building.
- Line managing and supporting unit leaders who have been given delegated responsibilities for their sections.
- Developing and validating new Masters Degrees .
- Establishing and monitoring quality assurance.
- Developing and establishing of a number of centres within the Department, including:
The Centre for Interpreting and Translation (CIT):
CIT is the only applied languages centre in the UK recognised by AIIC - Professional Conference Interpreters Worldwide. CIT postgraduate courses in interpreting and translation have an international reputation. These include: MA in Bilingual Translation, MA European Masters in Conference Interpreting, MA Translation and Linguistics, an MA / Postgraduate Diploma and Certificate in Technical and Specialised Translation an MA in Interpreting and Translation and MA in Interpreting, Translation and Diplomacy
Modern Languages Evening Programme (MLEP)
MLEP offers the widest range of part-time language teaching to more than 1200 students with many of its courses ranging from beginner to mother tongue level in 17 - 24 languages
Westminster International Language Testing Centre (WILTC)
WILTC designs and delivers a suite of specialist language examinations programme to the British Ministry of Defence known as the University of Westminster and Ministry of Defence Languages Examinations Board (MODLEB) in 46 languages. It is also involved in the recruitment of MOD officers/ Military Attaches who are registered on the MA in International Liaison and communication. The Centre also oversees the administration of IELTS examinations at the university in collaboration with the British Council.
China Projects Centre (CPC)
The remit of CPC is to administer and develop projects and training programmes for groups sponsored by the Chinese government and academic institutions
Major Strategic Accomplishments
- Introduced new concepts as part of the diplomatic training programme, including diplomatic missions and the media and the management of diplomatic missions.
- Developed international links and exchange programmes with a number of Diplomatic Academies and Institutes of International Relations such as the Diplomatic Academy of Vienna, Moscow Diplomatic Academy of the Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation and the Clingendael Institute in the Netherlands and the Department of Diplomacy and International Relations, Al Akhawayn University (AUI), Ifrane, Morocco.
- Planned, implemented and contributed to 16 international symposia in the series "Diplomacy Beyond 2000" which explored and predicted the emerging patterns in diplomacy in the 21st Century. DAL's international conferences have attracted senior government officials, heads of diplomatic missions and decision makers from all over the World.
- Developed courses of study valued by the British Foreign and Commonwealth Office, overseas governments, diplomatic missions in London, international and regional organisations, and multilateral corporations. They are also valued by individual students for their focus and relevance to career development.
- Supervised more than four hundred MA Dissertations and 11 PhD Theses.
Professional Service and Involvement
- Member of the International Forum on Diplomatic Training which comprises Deans and Directors of Diplomatic Academies and Institutes of International Relations from eighty countries ( 1995 - present)
- Chairman of the UK Forum on Diplomatic Training
- Member of the International Institute for Strategic Studies
- Member of the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House)